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Array Technologies, Inc.

Array Technologies, Inc. logo
Market Cap: Medium
Employees: Medium

Dura Track HZ v3, Smar Track

Array Technologies, Inc. manufactures and supplies solar tracking systems and related products in the United States and internationally. Its products include Dura Track HZ v3, a single-axis solar tracking system; and Smar Track, a machine learning software that is used to identify the optimal position for a solar array in real time to increase energy production.

Tags: machine learning, renewable energy, solar arrays, solar tracking

Symbol: ARRY

Recent Price: $6.11

Industry: Solar

CEO: Mr. Kevin G. Hostetler

Sector: Energy

Employees: 1013

Address: 3901 Midway Place NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109

Phone: 505 881 7567

Last updated: 2024-11-08